W\L\ Europa No.162 Athens, GreeceIn the name and under the aegis of the Grand Lodge of Greece Lodge "Europe" nr. 162 at the East of Athens
CONCISE HISTORY OF LODGE "EUROPE" No 162 At the end of 2010 and according to the formalities required by the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Greece, a petition for the formation of a new Lodge was issued by 12 members of the Lodge "PHOENIX" No. 51. The proposed name of this Lodge was "Eleftheria" meaning Freedom. At that point the Deputy Grand Master (and today's Grand Master) of the Grand Lodge of Greece M\W\Bro\ George Vasilogeorgis proposed the Name "Europe" for the new Lodge. This suggestion was based on the fact that the New Lodge should form a new link of the chain of Lodges bearing the name "Europe". This proposal was greeted with enthusiasm and unanimously accepted. On the 17th January 2011 the Lodge "EUROPE" No. 162 in the Orient of Athens and under the aegis of the Grand Lodge of Greece was inaugurated and installed. The installation was performed by the Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Greece. The first W\M\of the new Lodge, Bro\ Drosos M\ attended the 4th Symposium of the Lodges bearing the Name "EUROPE" in France. Unfortunately our attendance at the 5th Symposium which took place in Vienna in 2012 was not possible as we had commitments regarding the serious problems facing our society. Today the Lodge "EUROPE" No. 162 is counting 38 members and meets every second week at the Masonic Hall in Athens. Our constant effort is the multidimensional Masonic work in accordance of the Masonic tradition and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Greece.
C\A \T\ W\M\ of Lodge Europa No.162, Or\Athens
On the days 9th, 10th and 11th of May 2008, was held in Riccione the "1st International Symposium of the "Europa" Lodges which brought together all the Lodges called "Europe" from Italy and the European countries.