W\L\ Europa Unita No.27 Bucharest, RomaniaIn the summer of 1996, the National Grand Lodge of Romania, re-activated by the Grand Orient of Italy, issued a charter for the constitution of the W\ L\ Europa Unită [United Europe] bearing the number 27 at Orient Bucharest which will work as a duly and legally constituted lodge. The charter is antedated, December, 2, 1995, and bears the signature and seal of Sever Frențiu, Grand Master. This is the official birth document of Europa Unită Lodge. As a matter of fact, the project of this new lodge was really initiated in 1995, when the Grand Master of the period, Vladimir Boantă, decided its erection and assigned as future W\M\one of its founders, Br\ Dorin Băleanu. The proceedings took time and it was only on the 7th of March 1996 that the dedication ceremony was performed. This ceremony was presided by the Grand Master Vladimir Boantă. The founding Masters were provided by a well-known Romanian lodge extra muros, named România Unită, that was working in Paris. The name of the new lodge, Europa Unită (United Europe) has been chosen by Br\ Dorin Băleanu, who had in his heart and in his mind the ideal of European Union and who hoped that Romania will join as soon as possible this European Union. The purpose of the lodge was to promote in Romanian society the Masonic values: liberty, wisdom, brotherhood, tolerance, dignity and respect for each other. Number 27 was somehow prophetical: 12 years later Romania joined the Union as the 27th state. In 2001 the lodge created a publishing house with the same name (Europa Unită) and some important works were printed there, due to authors as Dorin Baleanu, Vladimir Boantă, Emilian M. Dobrescu and Radu Comănescu. In 2003 the lodge created a Masonic site,, which was one of the sources of inspiration for the official site of the National Grand Lodge of Romania. In time, Brothers from W\ L\ Europa Unită have created five new lodges, 3 in Bucharest, one in Focsani and one in Zalău. Among its members of honor there are five Grand Masters and two Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. In 2002 we have realized the first entwining between a Romanian and an United States lodge (with Hiram Takoma Lodge no.10 from Washington D. C.); and in 2006 we became entwined with the French lodge La Voie Lactée from Paris. In 2008 we have decided to involve in the Europe Lodges Symposium project.
Dorin Băleanu Founding Master of Lodge Europa Unita Nr.27, Or\Bucuresti
On the days 9th, 10th and 11th of May 2008, was held in Riccione the "1st International Symposium of the "Europa" Lodges which brought together all the Lodges called "Europe" from Italy and the European countries.